Monday, June 14, 2010

Chicago Naked Bike Ride!!!

Biking is one of my many passions. Being naked...not so much. However, when my wife told me about the Chicago Naked Bike Ride this weekend I couldn't help but join in.

Needless to say it was a lot of fun!!! Around minute 4:39 you catch a glimpse of me and my wife riding by...near the tall bike and the completely naked man with orange hair. Now we didn't go totally nude, instead I was in boxer briefs (looking like a normal cyclist in stretch shorts) and Heather went in her 'newly weds' bikini.

With slogans like "Less Gas, More Ass", "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, that oil spill has got to go!" and the ever simple "F--k BP!" the ride was full of scenes of fun and freedom. While I do support biking instead of cars, and going nude to make a point...I don't necessarily agree with blaming BP for our oil spills. At least not so much as most of the riders did. Instead I blame us, our dependence on cars / oil based products / and the agriculture we've grown around oil based pesticides and fertilizers.

Now, I don't offer any solutions (yet...I'm still educating myself on the problem at large and my own contributions) nor do I think riding naked around Chicago really solves anything. But if you are going to make a statement you might as well have fun with it...and this was fun

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