Monday, March 8, 2010

Trojan Horse Warning!!

So I recently added a widget to my blog called "Real Time Counter". Supposedly this widget was just suppose to count the number of hits my blog got so I could peak in and see the number of hits I have and if anyone else out there cares about what I'm writing about.

However, after not working at first, then working fine, when I tried to view my blog yesterday "Avast" security warned me that something was trying to load a Trojan Horse on my computer. This happened when a redirect link was sent from the Real Time Counter widget to my browser!

Even worse when I tried to use Google's apps to remove this, it again attempted to load a Trojan Horse, so I had to just view the html code itself and delete the App by hand.


Luckily my physics training has me adept at staring at code to try to decipher what it is something really does (even when you wrote it yourself to do something else) so I was able to see and remove this app by hand...but some poor new blog user could lose everything.

Just a friendly hint.

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