Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Doing less bad is still doing no good" (Part 1)

1134 miles driven by me so far this year. Barely more than 8 weeks into the new year and my hopes of reducing the amount I drive each week is showing little good progress. 
Basically I will keep updating these posts every couple of weeks to monitor how much I am driving and see if I can find a way to reduce my overall strain on our natural resources and general congestion in Chicago.

Now I am inspired not just by environmental reasons because I believe that as quoted in McDonough and Braungar book Cradle to Cradle (highly recommend) that by simply reducing my driving I am still doing no I am not hoping to fix the world by simply "being less evil"

Nor am I truely inspired by monetary reasons...simply because for the commuting that I do back and forth between Fermilab and home is actually more expensive by train and bike in terms of money and time then to simply drive.

No, what I am really doing here is plotting what my tendencies are, how work, weather, and life effect them. Once I have the data, then I can really do I do some good here.

A caveat: I am only plotting the mileage I put on my car...this doesn't include the miles I drive with people (my fiancee included) nor if I end up flying for physics meetings and so forth. Just a simple plot and something to watch and aim to reduce

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