Thursday, August 5, 2010

Muddy Buddy 2010 Results!

We finished Muddy Buddy 2010 in 1 hour flat!
 Heather and I managed to finish the Muddy Buddy race in the Co-ed flight in almost 1 hour exactly! We managed to run into a few people we know from our local gym who also happened to be in our same division so we got to hang out and compete with them. 
The first place in our division was around 45 minuets and there we ~ 140 some teams we were going against, and with a time of 1:00:14 we were around #54'ish overall.
I was really happy with this result and Heather and I had a blast. The biking was WAY tougher than I ever expected and if it wasn't for the bike loaned to us by Silviu there is no way we could have ever finished it. 

Some of my memories from the race include the first obstacle, which was an 8 foot climbing wall (which was easy for us climbers) but had a cargo net on the other side. Instead of trying to turn around and gently climb down I just launched myself landed with a foot through the net, took a 360 degree tumble and made it to my feet. I was greeted by an organizer saying "That is one way to get down..."

Then started the really hard biking section with lots of mud and uphill portions. Unfortunately, a girl in front of me gave up on the biking uphill at the wrong time and jumped off her bike right in front of me. I greeted her with a handle bar in the rib (and I felt awful about it). Luckily she was fine and I started running with my bike until I could get traction. 
Finally, on the last portion of the bike I did there were some crazy steep downhill portions and I witnessed a girl grip down too hard with her front brake and eat it right over her handlebars. Luckily she popped back up and said she was fine! I ran into her at the last obstacle (a giant inflatable slide) and she was trucking along and psyched about her fall.
This race was just TOO FUN and the organizers have the format down cold! Heather and I got super muddy, raced really hard, and enjoyed sunshine and food after the race on this beautiful farm.

Now that this race is all over we are gearing up for Urban Assault in September and re-focusing on work/family/and Lollapalloza which is this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What a great review! I did the Muddy Buddy with a friend of were right about the biking parts! I spent 1/2 my time running next to the bike! Craziness! Wish I lived in the States so that I could do more races like this - the urban assault sounds awesome.
