In what is the greatest idea I've ever seen to introduce the world to the sport of climbing, the worlds first "artificial deep water soloing" competition took place in Bilbao, Spain.
Sure enough who came to win the whole damn thing and be the only climber to actually top out on the routes...but the U.S.'s own Chris Sharma!!!
The two routes they had up were rated 8b & 8b+ (read 5.14 climbs) there was a spectacular dyno in each and the climb was around 50 feet straight up.
Could be all the practice that Sharma got projecting "The Arch" in Mallorca that made this such a breeze for him...could also be that he just remains a beast of a climber.
Did I mention that I got to go to the arch: It was on our honeymoon and it was incredible!
Amazing! A big hug from Rio de Janeiro Brazil.